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NorthStar 5G innovation program for Swedish enterprises
Telia and Ericsson‘s NorthStar program is an innovative 5G project that aims to accelerate the adoption of 5G technology and drive the development of new digital solutions across various industries. The program offers the necessary tools, resources, and secure connectivity to develop new use cases, with a focus on the automotive and transportation sectors. The NorthStar program also provides a collaborative environment for businesses to trial their solutions using the latest 5G technology, leading to the development of new and innovative solutions. With the potential to benefit multiple industries, the NorthStar program is an exciting project that offers high-speed connectivity and secures digital infrastructure for businesses in Sweden.

Accelerating the Adoption of 5G Technology

Aims of the NorthStar program is to drive the development and implementation of new digital solutions in various industries, with a focus on the innovation and research and development (R&D) units of customers in the automotive and transportation sectors.

Collaboration with AstaZero

AstaZero, the world’s first full-scale independent test environment for automated transportation systems, is the first customer to join the NorthStar program.

Providing Necessary Tools and Resources

NorthStar will provide the necessary tools and resources, such as network slicing and positioning, to develop new use cases, as well as the secure, safe, and reliable connectivity needed. The program will also bring together 5G specialists from Telia and Ericsson to support customers throughout the program.

Advantages of the NorthStar 5G Environment

One of the advantages of the NorthStar 5G environment is the high-speed connectivity it offers across large geographical areas. Furthermore, customers will be able to build networks that meet their specific requirements at their company locations, including at test sites and R&D facilities, which will then be connected to the NorthStar network.

The Importance of Digital Infrastructure

Anders Olsson, CEO of Telia Sweden, emphasized the importance of scaling digital solutions and turning new technologies into tangible business benefits. He stated that without access to robust and secure digital infrastructure, businesses risk falling behind. Erik Ekudden, senior vice president and chief technology officer at Ericsson, noted that the Swedish industry will have access to the most advanced 5G technology for local sites and for their wide-area connectivity and digitalization needs through the NorthStar program.

Benefits Beyond High-Speed Connectivity

The NorthStar program’s benefits go beyond high-speed connectivity and secure digital infrastructure. It also offers the opportunity for businesses to collaborate and trial their solutions using the latest 5G technology. This type of collaboration can lead to the development of new and innovative solutions that would otherwise not be possible.

Potential for Multiple Industries

In addition to transportation, the NorthStar program can also benefit other industries, such as healthcare and manufacturing. The high-speed connectivity and secure digital infrastructure provided by the program can facilitate the development of new and innovative solutions that can improve patient outcomes and increase productivity.    

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