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In a groundbreaking collaboration, ioki, a digital mobility technology company, and Vay, a developer of automotive-grade technology for remote driving (teledriving), have joined forces to introduce a cutting-edge solution that combines teledriving and ridepooling. This innovative partnership aims to revolutionize public transportation by offering a seamless and efficient mobility service that leverages the power of digitization and technology.

The Vision:
Michael Barillère-Scholz, CEO, and co-founder of ioki, is convinced that teledriving is a promising key technology that can gradually introduce driverless public transportation. They both envision a world when autonomous mobility is a seamless part of daily life, with Vay as a dependable partner. This partnership seeks to address the acute driver shortage issues in Germany and Europe by utilizing digitization and technology in public transport.

The Solution:
The collaboration between ioki and Vay will enable users to request a teledriven Vay vehicle via an app integrated with the ioki platform. The ioki platform will do ridesharing calculations, act as a user booking interface, and compute routes. Once a vehicle is booked, customers will be picked up and driven to their destination, providing a convenient and efficient alternative for transportation in metropolitan areas.

The Pilot Projects:
ioki and Vay are currently in contact with interested transportation companies to test the link between on-demand and teledriven technology. The first pilot projects are expected to start next year, marking a significant step towards the realization of their vision for the future of public transportation.

The Benefits:
The partnership between ioki and Vay offers several benefits, including:

Addressing Driver Shortages: By leveraging teledriving technology, the collaboration aims to alleviate the acute driver shortage issues in Germany and Europe.

Seamless Mobility Service: The integration of teledriving and ridepooling provides users with a seamless and efficient mobility service that is both affordable and convenient.

Sustainable and Efficient: The door-to-door mobility service enabled by teledrive technology is sustainable and efficient, offering a viable alternative for transportation in metropolitan areas. The creative platform solution created by ioki expedites the roll-out of effective and sustainable mobility services for public transportation.

The partnership between ioki and Vay represents a significant step towards revolutionizing public transportation. By combining teledriving and ridepooling, they are creating a seamless and efficient mobility service that addresses the acute driver shortage issues and offers a sustainable and efficient alternative for transportation in metropolitan areas. With the first pilot projects expected to start next year, the future of public transportation is looking brighter than ever.

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