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ServCity speeds up autonomous mobility
Nissan, in collaboration with Connected Places Catapult, TRL, Hitachi Europe, the University of Nottingham, and SBD Automotive, has launched the ServCity project, supported by the UK government’s Intelligent Mobility fund. The three-year research program aims to develop a blueprint for integrating autonomous vehicles (AVs) into UK cities’ infrastructure and providing robotaxi services in the future.

Autonomous Driving Technology on London Roads

During the project’s research period, the consortium conducted 2,575 kilometers of autonomous driving tests on London roads, using a 100% electric Nissan Leaf vehicle. The ServCity project demonstrated the Leaf’s full capabilities as an AV and its ability to navigate the busy streets of London alongside other road users, both stationary and moving. The project also incorporated the Smart Mobility Living Lab (SMLL) in Greenwich, a network of roadside sensors and a data processing suite, to create a futuristic cooperative infrastructure environment.

Improving AV Situational Awareness and Traffic Flow

SMLL allowed ServCity to provide the AV with new sources of data to improve its situational awareness, including detecting objects, not within the vehicle’s line of sight, such as those around a corner or further ahead. This advanced infrastructure enabled the AV to maneuver earlier, ensuring smooth traffic flow, and reducing the risk of collisions. The project’s success paves the way for future AVs to leverage connected infrastructure to provide safer, more efficient driving experiences for passengers.

The culmination of ServCity Project: Future Demonstrations

The ServCity project culminates in a series of demonstrations to stakeholders in Greenwich, during which guests will be able to experience the AV technology integrated with CAV-ready infrastructure. The project’s achievements and advancements contribute to Nissan’s long-term vision, Nissan Ambition 2030, which aims to support greater access to safe and exciting mobility.

Nissan’s Commitment to Advancing Autonomous Driving Technology

David Moss, Senior Vice President for Region Research and Development at Nissan (Africa, Middle East, India, Europe, and Oceania), states that advancing the company’s autonomous driving technology and expertise is critical to its long-term vision. The project represents an important step toward the future deployment of autonomous mobility, where customers can benefit from the added comfort and convenience that advanced autonomous drive technologies provide.

UK Government’s Investment in Intelligent Mobility

The UK government’s Intelligent Mobility fund, administered by the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV), has invested £7m ($8.5m) in the ServCity project. Transport Minister Jesse Norman states that the ServCity project is crucial in answering practical questions about how to integrate self-driving vehicles into cities for the public good. The investment underscores the UK’s commitment to advancing intelligent mobility and positioning itself at the forefront of AV technology.


The ServCity project demonstrates the capabilities of autonomous driving technology in improving road safety, reducing traffic congestion, and providing convenient and efficient transportation services. Nissan’s partnership with government organizations, research institutions, and industry experts highlights the importance of collaboration in advancing AV technology. The project’s success paves the way for future AV deployments in the UK and beyond, creating a safer, more sustainable, and more connected future for everyone.

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