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Teleo Announces Customer Deals for Autonomy Retrofit

California-based Teleo has signed deals with the John Aarts Group, Teichert, and Tomahawk Construction to provide retrofit solutions for remote-operated heavy construction equipment. The technology enables the remote and semi-autonomous operations of all makes and models of heavy construction equipment, including wheel loaders, bulldozers, and dump trucks. Teleo’s solution is expected to help address the skilled labor shortage affecting the construction industry, which has led to rising costs and delays in ongoing projects.

Teleo Supervised Autonomy: An Incremental Approach to Autonomy

Teleo’s Supervised Autonomy system offers an incremental approach to autonomy, enabling supervised autonomy for heavy construction equipment. The system enables a single operator to control an array of machines from a command center, improving site productivity and operational visibility. The technology enables operators to perform complicated tasks that fully autonomous technology is currently unable to carry out. According to Vinay Shet, co-founder and CEO of Teleo, “We founded Teleo to help contractors supercharge their operators’ efforts by turning their equipment into semi-autonomous machines.”

Tomahawk Construction Partners with Teleo for Remote and Semi-Autonomous Operations

Tomahawk Construction, a Florida-based excavation and site development company, has partnered with Teleo to deploy the technology on 12 articulated dump trucks for land development and moving dirt. The system will enable more people to be attracted to the job because they can run trucks from the office and save hours of drive time to and from job sites. Scott Lyons, Managing Member of Tomahawk Construction, stated that “Due to the current labor market, we know going forward we need to do more with less.

Supervised Autonomy Enables Safe and Comfortable Operator Role

Teleo’s Supervised Autonomy system moves the operator out of the cab of the machine and into a command center, making the operator’s role safer, more comfortable, and more accessible. The technology offers an alternative to the traditional approach of operating heavy equipment, which is physically demanding and poses safety risks to operators. With Teleo’s system, operators can control heavy construction equipment from a safe distance, improving their job satisfaction and reducing the risk of accidents.

Increased Site Productivity and Operational Visibility

Teleo’s Supervised Autonomy solution offers increased site productivity and operational visibility, enabling operators to perform complicated tasks more efficiently. The system can be used to remotely operate heavy equipment in dangerous or inaccessible locations, enabling construction companies to undertake projects that would otherwise be impossible. The technology offers excellent operational visibility, providing real-time data on the location and status of all machines, enabling companies to optimize their operations and improve efficiency.


Teleo’s Supervised Autonomy system offers an innovative solution to the skilled labor shortage affecting the construction industry. By enabling remote and semi-autonomous operations of heavy construction equipment, the technology enables construction companies to undertake projects more efficiently and with fewer workers. The system offers an alternative to the traditional approach of operating heavy equipment, which is physically demanding and poses safety risks to operators. With Teleo’s system, operators can control heavy construction equipment from a safe distance, improving their job satisfaction and reducing the risk of accidents. The technology offers increased site productivity and operational visibility, providing real-time data on the location and status of all machines, enabling companies to optimize their operations and improve efficiency.

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